Frequently Asked Questions | ATMS™
Does the Advanced Trust Management Standards (ATMS)
program apply to those working with both pension and health and welfare
Yes. Issues in common to each type of plan will be addressed.
There will also be opportunities for break-out sessions to discuss the
issues that are unique to each type of plan.
Does the ATMS program apply to those working with both multi-employer and public sector plans?
Yes. Common and unique issues to each of these sectors will be addressed.
How is the new ATMS curriculum different from the previous curriculum?
The new ATMS curriculum is more comprehensive and includes a test.
If I took ATMS courses in the past, do I need to take the new ATMS curriculum?
who have previously taken ATMS are encouraged, but not required, to
enroll in the new ATMS program. The new program provides a streamlined
course curriculum with an assessment component that is applicable to all
types of funds. See prerequisites to enroll.
Is my certificate under the previous curriculum still valid?
Yes. Certificates earned under the previous curriculum of ATMS are,
and will continue to be, recognized by the International Foundation as
an achievement.
If I have already earned a certificate under the previous
ATMS curriculum, am I able to participate in the Quality Series
continuing education sessions?
Yes. This program is intended for all ATMS certificate holders.
Will I earn an additional certificate if I earned a certificate under the previous curriculum and decide to take the new ATMS?
Yes. While the certificate under the previous curriculum is still
recognized as an achievement, you will earn a separate certificate for
completing the requirements of the new ATMS curriculum.
Earning Certificates
How do I earn a Certificate of Achievement under ATMS?
To earn a Certificate of Achievement, participants must complete four days of classroom attendance and accompanying tests. Session A and Session B are each 2 days in length
and held concurrently each year. This requires attendance at two
separate conference locations.
Am I required to take ATMS in a particular order?
Yes. Session A must be taken prior to Session B. Successful completion
of Session A and its accompanying test are prerequisites for enrollment
in Session B.
Do I need to meet any prerequisites before I enroll in ATMS?
Yes. Due to the advanced nature of the curriculum, we require that
attendees have a core knowledge base in the effective management of
trusts. To that end, before enrolling in ATMS, you must complete the
FTMS Certificate of Achievement (earned by completing the classroom work
and passing the test) OR pass the ATMS Qualifying Test.
What is the format for the ATMS Qualifying Test?
ATMS Qualifying Test is an online, 40-question multiple-choice, open-book test.
How do I prepare for the ATMS Qualifying Test?
Upon registering for the qualifying test, a binder of reading materials
will be sent to you. This comprehensive set of materials can be used to
prepare. You are encouraged to use these materials and your own notes
while taking the test. Click
here for information and to register.
How can I view my transcript?
Your personal educational history transcript may be downloaded from our website
www.ifebp.ca by the following steps:
- In the light gray bar at the top of the website, you will see “Welcome, you are not logged in.” Next to this is “Log In.” Click on this link.
- On the next screen, enter your Username and Password. Then click the Log In button.
- In the light gray bar at the top of the website, you will see My Account next to Contact Us. Hover over the drop down arrow, move down and click on My Educational Records.
- Click the View Your Record button located in the center of the page.
- In the File Download box, click the Open button.
- Your transcript will be brought up as a PDF file that you can view and print out if you want.
Note: If the transcript shows “Not Qualified,” this means that you either did not write the exam or that you were not successful. We will not be able to provide an assignment breakdown if you were unsuccessful.
Does the ATMS program include tests?
Yes, ATMS Session A and Session B include online, open book tests.
completion of the ATMS tests is required to earn an ATMS Certificate of
Achievement. Those who do not successfully complete the tests will
receive a Certificate of Attendance for full classroom participation.
Why does the ATMS program include tests?
objectives of the ATMS tests are to ensure trustees have an
understanding of effective trust management, can find the answers they
need and have the ability to apply the information to a variety of
scenarios. The assessment component provides trustees the ability to
validate their learning.
How long do I have to take the test(s)?
Each test will be available online for 60 days from the last day of classroom instruction.
How many attempts do I have to take the test(s)?
Your registration includes 2 attempts at taking the test. If you do not
pass on your second attempt, you may purchase 2 more attempts for a
reduced fee of $145. The online retake test will be available for 60
days from the date of purchase. Please click on the button below to
register for the retake test.