MTMS Advanced Leadership Summit
Sunday, November 24 - Sunday, November 24, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Looking to optimize your fixed income and total portfolio solutions with a consistent, income-generating asset class with low interest rate risk? Private Canadian commercial mortgages have been providing pensions, insurance companies and top fixed-income investment managers with a structural illiquidity premium to enhance their portfolios for over 50 years. Learn about the risks, mitigations and strategies employed by Canadian commercial mortgage managers to deliver compelling, risk-adjusted returns to investors.
This deep dive is designed specifically for MTMS graduates and will cover the following topics to help trustees better understand commercial mortgages:
- Fundamentals of commercial mortgage investments
- Assessing, mitigating and pricing credit risk
- Considerations for including mortgages in your asset mix
- Implications for mortgage fund/portfolio construction, management and other risk considerations.